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Thursday, April 26, 2007

avec amour

From: madame villaran -

Salut mon cher,

Mon nom est Madame Villaran Nenita. citoyenne des Philippines,je suis la veuve d'un ancien ministre des Finances des philippines qui est mort le 15 mai 2002. Mon mari est tombé malade et il a été transferé en France pour se faire traiter mais il est mort plus tard d'ulcere et il a été enterré.J'ai hérité de la somme totale de 12 millions de dollars de mon dernier mari, cet argent qui est gardé dans un coffre métallique est déposé avec une sécurité dans une société de finances ici aux philippines.

En raison de l'instruction que j'ai fixée avant le dépôt,personne ni meme le gouvernement ne pourra retrouver la trace de cet argent jusqu'a ce que je me decide a récuperer ma caisse. Ceci pour une securité maximum.Pour cette raison,la societé a usée de la diplomatie pour transferer la boite a Abidjan en Cote d'Ivoire ou elle a une surccusale sécrete.Cet transfert a été codé conformement au contrat qui nous lie comme un tresor de famille.

Carla société elle meme ne sait pas ce qui se trouve dans cette boite qui a été envoyée des philippines en Cote d'ivoire dans une valise diplomatique.Ma préoccupation majeure aujourd'hui est de faire sortir cette caisse de la Cote d'Ivoire pour une autre destination . C'est pour cela que je vous envoie ce message afin que vous m'aidiez car le procedé qui a permi le transfert de la caisse a abidjan peu etre repris pour une autre destination .

Donc quel que soit l'adresse que vous pensez etre sure et vous donnerez le transfert s'effectuera.Je pense pouvoir vous faire confiance.Bien sur vous aurez un pourcentage conséquent.En fait, depuis la mort de mon mari, ses freres m'ont sérieusement poursuivie , essayant de me supprimer pour qu'ils puissent avoirLes documents de ses propriétés. Ils ont avec succes rassemblé toutes ses propriétés, cependant ils ne se sont jamais arretés la, ils m'ont demandée de leur donner les differents numeros des comptes banquaires de mon dernier mari.

Mais ils n'aurons jamais connaissance du dépôt de que j'ai effectué avec la société de sécurité et qui est maintenant a Abidjan-Côte d'Ivoire,parce que c'est mon avenir et mon destin . La famille de mon dernier mari ne sait pas l'existence secrete de ce dépôt que j'ai fait avec la société de sécurité et elle ne le saura jamais . Vu la pression que ma belle famille exerce sur moi La situation devient incontrôlable .Le gouvernement aussi exerce de fortes pressions sur moi.

C'est pour cela due j'ai decidé de trouver une personne digne de confiance qui pourrais m'aider a recuperer cette caisse de la Cote d'Ivoire pour la déposer a son adresse.Je suis une veuve et je suis desemparée. Venez a mon secour car la situation devient de plus enplus difficile. Je m'acquite de la somme de100 $ par jour pour le coffre fort .Si vous etes pret a m'aider je vous donnerez le contact de la societé.

Vous les appelerez et vous leur donnerez une adresse SURE pour qu'elle vous envoie immediatement le colis. Je vous enverai le certificat d'Autorisation et le certificat de dépôt que la societé m'a remis le jour du depôt.Je vous
donne tous ces renseignements pour votre entiere coopération.

MON ADRESSE ÉLECTRONIQUE ( ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ) .

Merci de votre comprehension.Que le seigneur vour garde .


Madame Villaran Nenita.

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Lieber Freund

From: vicky andy -

Lieber Freund,

Ich vermute das diese E-Mail eine Überraschung für Sie sein wird, aber es ist wahr.

Ich bin bei einer routinen Überprüfung in meiner Bank
(Standard Bank von Süd Afrika) wo ich arbeite, auf einem Konto
gestoßen, was nicht in anspruch genommen worden ist, wo derzeit $12,500,000
(zwölfmillionenfünfhundert US Dollar) gutgeschrieben sind.

Dieses Konto gehörte Herrn Manfred Becker, der ein
Kunde in unsere Bank war, der leider verstorben ist. Herr Becker war ein
gebürtiger Deutscher.

Damit es mir möglich ist dieses Geld $12,500,000
inanspruch zunehmen, benötige ich die zusammenarbeit eines Ausländischen
Partners wie Sie,den ich als Verwandter und Erbe des verstorbenen Herrn
Becker vorstellen kann,damit wir das Geld inanspruch nehmen können.

Für diese Unterstützung erhalten Sie 30% der
Erbschaftsumme und die restlichen 70% teile ich mir
mit meinen zwei Arbeitskollegen, die mich bei dieser
Transaktion ebenfalls unterstützen.

Wenn Sie interessiert sind, können Sie mir bitte eine
E-Mail schicken, damit ich Ihnen mehr Details zukommen lassen kann.

Schicken Sie bitte Ihre Antwort auf diese E-Mail []

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

vicky andy

SMS schreiben mit WEB.DE FreeMail - einfach, schnell und
kostenguenstig. Jetzt gleich testen! ** [


From: Michael Dante -

FROM: Mr. Michael DanteManagerInternational Commercial Bank.Kaneshie Branch, Accra-Ghana.West Africa.
My name is Mr. Michael Dante; I am the regional manager of the international commercial bank of Ghana. I am 44 years of age married with 3 lovely kids. I got your information through the Internet and hope and wish that we can work together.
I have successfully and carefully packaged a financial transaction that will benefit both of us. As the regional manager of the international commercial bank (ICBGH). It is my duty and responsibility to send in, a financial report to the head office of my bank here in Accra (Ghana) at the end of each fiscal year.
In the course of report and submission of the end of the year (2005) financial activities of my branch to the head office. I discovered that my branch in which I am the head and the manager made an outstanding profit of US$7, 700,000.00 (Seven Million seven hundred thousand dollars only) which is unaccounted and undeclared and of which the head office is not andwill never be aware of. I have since and accordingly placed the funds (US$7, 700,000.00) in a suspense account without any beneficiary.
As the manager and an employee of the bank, I can not be directly involved and connected with the money, so this has informed my contacting you for us to work together so that you can assist in receiving this money into your bank account for us to share.
For your involvement and participation in the scheme, you shall receive 30% of the total money after conclusion. The transaction (scheme) is risk free and the money will be transferred to your designated account through bank-to-bank transfer via telegraphic wire transfer. All that you will require to do is to stand and make claim as the original and bonafidedepositor of the funds with the bank (my branch) so that my head office will give approval for the transfer of the funds to your designated account.
Note that as the manager of my branch of the bank that all the requisite and necessary arrangements have been masterfully and expertly put in place to facilitate your successful claim of the money and the eventual transfer of the money.
Upon your reply of this mail and your indication of interest in the transaction, I shall oblige you further details.
Awaiting your prompt response through this email:
Best regards,Mr. Michael Dante

Read Carefully {Please

From: jimmy taylor -

Dear Mr. /Mrs. whom it concern.

I will like to introduce my self to you. My name is JIMMY J.TAYLOR, the youngest son of CHARLES G.TAYLOR, formal president of {Liberia Africa}, who started ruling {Liberia Nation} during the year {17th of March 1997}, and was really find as a wrong ruler in the sight of other executive members, also was laid many kinds of crimes on him, and he left his presidency site and also took I and my younger sister {LUARA M.TAYLOR} to {Cross River State, Calabar, Nigeria} where I school at {Hope Waddell Training Institute}, living in the school as a boarder right now as I write you.

Furthermore, I will appreciate you to read and understand carefully why I contact you at this fact. CHARLES G. TAYLOR, my kind father was captured last year being {30th March 2006} at a boundary between {Cameroon and Nigeria} try to make a trip to
{Switzerland} and was also took back to {Liberia} for judgment of the crimes they said he committed, as for me; I all see my father as a good and loving kind father to me and my younger sister.

But I and my sister is still in {Cross River State, Calabar, Nigeria} schooling. It came to happen that my father CHARLES G. TAYLOR, deposited a sum of {$22.7M USD, Twenty Two Million and Seven Hundred thousand United State Dollars} only on my name JIMMY J. TAYLOR, in {United Arab Emirate Security Company}, with the {AFFIDAVITIS OF CLAIM PROOF ORDER} that the fund should be release to me any day of my life I call for the money as my savings.

Now my problem is that I am still in the school rounding up with difficulties of lack of money and many things necessary to me, in the strange country {Nigeria} with my younger sister, based on the absence of my father CHALSE

For your kind Mr. /Mrs. I am a boy of 19 years old, and have so many times trying to call my money, and they said that this transaction require personality before my fund should be release to me in the {U.A.E. Security Company, and I do not longer have my attorney since we left {Liberia}.

Please Mr. /Mrs. I will like better, if you will be so sincere and kind to me, by helping me to accommodate my money, based on the fact that I don't have any Bank account that will save this money for me, and cannot not process this fund with my situation of being in the school and being a young youth.

I thereby seek your PARTNERSHIP, to enable me have my fund, and invest on it so that, I and my younger sister will not lack as my father has made it.

I will like the percentage (%) of our partnership to be 40% for you and 60% for me to avoid
having bad mind for one and another at the end of the transaction, becuase without your help; I cannot not be able to claim this money on my present situation.

Please if you have accepted to proceed with me, and need more information about my affidavitis of clam, and the security company in {U.A.E, Asia}, for this fund of {$22.7M USD} contact me via my e-mail.
Thank you for your understanding.


Jimmy J.Taylor. The average US Credit Score is 675. The cost to see yours: $0 by Experian

Lieber Freund

From: richard odogwu -

Lieber Freund,

Ich vermute das diese E-Mail eine Überraschung für Sie
sein wird, aber es ist wahr.

Ich bin bei einer routinen Überprüfung in meiner Bank
(Standard Bank von Süd Afrika) wo ich arbeite, auf einem Konto
gestoßen, was nicht in anspruch genommen worden ist, wo derzeit $12,500,000
(zwölfmillionenfünfhundert US Dollar) gutgeschrieben sind.

Dieses Konto gehörte Herrn Manfred Becker, der ein
Kunde in unsere Bank war, der leider verstorben ist. Herr Becker war ein
gebürtiger Deutscher.

Damit es mir möglich ist dieses Geld $12,500,000
inanspruch zunehmen,
benötige ich die zusammenarbeit eines Ausländischen
Partners wie Sie,den ich als Verwandter und Erbe des verstorbenen Herrn
Becker vorstellen kann,damit wir das Geld inanspruch nehmen können.

Für diese Unterstützung erhalten Sie 30% der
Erbschaftsumme und die restlichen 70% teile ich mir
mit meinen zwei Arbeitskollegen, die mich bei dieser
Transaktion ebenfalls unterstützen.

Wenn Sie interessiert sind, können Sie mir bitte eine E-Mail schicken,
damit ich Ihnen mehr Details zukommen lassen kann.

Schicken Sie bitte Ihre Antwort auf diese E-Mail

Mit freundlichen Grüßen.


SMS schreiben mit WEB.DE FreeMail - einfach, schnell und
kostenguenstig. Jetzt gleich testen! ** [

Thanks for your past effort

From: -

Dearest friend,

I am very happy to inform you about my success in getting that fund.
Now, I want you to contact my secretary on the information below.

NAME: Mr Charles Govou
PHONE: +229 93861923

Ask him to send to you the total sum of ($850,000.00)Eight hundred and
fifty thousand Dollars in A Certified bank draft which I kept for your

Best Regards,
Mrs. Rose Lee


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From: iso-8859-1?Q?Mr=20John=20Lee -

I need your services in a confidential matter regarding consignment out of a family beneficiary deposit. This
requires a private arrangement.You will receive these funds under legal claims; all legal documents will be carefully worked out to ensure a risky free transfer. I am willing to pay a generous management fee as
well as appreciation as soon as this transaction is completed.

I have all the details. All correspondences will be via email, for now. The funds in question are quite large. I will expect a straight answer from you. Yes or no. If yes, Kindly furnish me with your personal information which must includ your direct cell phone and fax number, your address and company name, then lets work out the modalities

Thanks and God bless you.
Mr John Lee.

Com Cofidis Conta Certa, voce decide…
Saiba mais em

Please get back to me

From: MR ERIC -

Dear Friend,I hope this may not constitute sort of embarrassment to you, My name is Mr Eric Adams,I am the regional bank manager of the Barclays Bank Ghana Ltd.I came to know you in my Private Search for a reliable and reputable person to handle this Confidential Transaction. I am 44 years of age and married with 3 lovely kids. It may interest you to hear that I am a man of PEACE and INTERGRITY; I only hope we can assist each other.I have packaged a financial transaction that will benefit both of us, as the regional Auditor General of the Barclays Bank Ghana Ltd.; it is my duty to send in a financial report to my head office in the capital city Accra at the end of each year.On the course of last year 2006 end of year report, I discovered that my branch in which I am the manager made an excess profit of five million united states dollars [US$5,000,000.00] which my head office are not aware of and will never be aware of. I have since placed this fund on what we call SUSPENSE
ACCOUNT without any beneficiary.As an officer of the bank I can not be directly connected to this money, this is why I.m contacting you for us to work so that you can assist and receive this money into your bank account for us to SHARE. I will offer you 20% of the total amount for your assistance.Note that there are practically no risks involved in this transaction , it will be bank to bank transfer, all I need from you is to stand claim as the original depositor of this fund who made the deposit with Takoradi branch so that my Head office can order the transfer to your designated bank account.Do not make undue the advantage of the trust I have bestowed on you, and I assure you we can achieve it successfully.Best regardsMr.Eric Adams

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From: -

Dear Friend,
I am very happy to inform you about my success in
that fund Transfer,I want you to contact my secretary
on the
information below.
Get in
touch with him on how to send you the total sum of
(800,000.00) Eight
hundred thousand dollars, which I kept for
your compensation.
Contact him on this email:(


Tiscali Broadband only £9.99 a month for your first 3 months!

Dearest Friend

From: -

Dearest Friend,

I am very happy to inform you about my success in getting that fund Now, I want you to contact my secretary

on this information ; NAME; Michel Lome, EMAIL; . Ask him to send you the total sum of One million United state dollars ($1, 000,000.00) in a CASHIER'S CHEQUE which I kept for your
compensation. Feel free to contact him immediately.


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From: james R M -

Good day,

I am James Radebbe, I represent a top mining company executive in South Africa. I have a very sensitive and private brief from this top executive to ask for your partnership to re-profile funds totally US$18,700,000.00 (Eighteen Million, Seven Hundred Thousand United States Dollars)

I will give the details of how we intend to proceed,this is a legitimate transaction. You will be paid 15% for your "management fees", if I am able to reach terms with you.

If you are interested, please write me and provide me with your full names and telephone numbers and private email address and I will provide further details. Please keep this close to your chest as much as possible; we are still in acting service.

NOTE: I know there may be scams and junk mails flying here and there on the internet but certainly, this is not one. Please do not fail to understand that in spite of all that, opportunities of this kind still abound. If you have ever wished or prayed for something good to come your way, now I urge you to take this message seriously and with an open mind. You could never know. This may be an answer to your prayers.So please give it a benefit of doubt, and with good faith and trust join me and I am assuring you now that you will never be disappointed.

Please reply urgently and furnish me with your TELEPHONE/CELL NUMBERS for furtherdetails.

I wait in anticipation of your fullest co-operation. I am available to entertain any questions concerning the clarity of this transaction.


Mr. James Radebbe.

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Please get back to me

From: MR ERIC -

Dear Friend,I hope this may not constitute sort of embarrassment to you, My name is Mr Eric Adams,I am the regional bank manager of the Barclays Bank Ghana Ltd.I came to know you in my Private Search for a reliable and reputable person to handle this Confidential Transaction. I am 44 years of age and married with 3 lovely kids. It may interest you to hear that I am a man of PEACE and INTERGRITY; I only hope we can assist each other.I have packaged a financial transaction that will benefit both of us, as the regional Auditor General of the Barclays Bank Ghana Ltd.; it is my duty to send in a financial report to my head office in the capital city Accra at the end of each year.On the course of last year 2006 end of year report, I discovered that my branch in which I am the manager made an excess profit of five million united states dollars [US$5,000,000.00] which my head office are not aware of and will never be aware of. I have since placed this fund on what we call SUSPENSE
ACCOUNT without any beneficiary.As an officer of the bank I can not be directly connected to this money, this is why I.m contacting you for us to work so that you can assist and receive this money into your bank account for us to SHARE. I will offer you 20% of the total amount for your assistance.Note that there are practically no risks involved in this transaction , it will be bank to bank transfer, all I need from you is to stand claim as the original depositor of this fund who made the deposit with Takoradi branch so that my Head office can order the transfer to your designated bank account.Do not make undue the advantage of the trust I have bestowed on you, and I assure you we can achieve it successfully.Best regardsMr.Eric Adams

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