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Tuesday, May 29, 2007


From: Sgt Jarvis Reeves -

Hello Pal,

I hope my email meets you well. I am in need of your assistance. My
Name is Sgt Jarvis Reeves. I am a military attached with the Engineering
Unit here in Ba'qubah Iraq for the united state, we have about $25
Million dollars that we want to move out of the country.

My partners and I need a good partner someone we can trust to actualize
This venture. The money is from oil proceeds and legal. But we are moving
it through diplomatic means to your house directly or a safe and
Secured location of your choice using diplomatic courier services.

But can we trust you? Once the funds get to you, you take your 40% out
And keep our own 60%. Your own part of this deal is to find a safe
Place where the funds can be sent to. Our own part is sending it to

If you are interested I will furnish you with more details,

Awaiting your urgent response
Your Buddy.
Sgt Jarvis Reeves

cher ami

From: villaran nenita -

je m'appelle Villaran Nenita. citoyenne des Philippines,je suis la veuve d'un ancien ministre de Finances des philippines qui est mort le 15 mai 2002. Mon mari est tombé malade et il a été transferé en France pour se faire traiter mais il est mort plus tard d'ulcère et il a été enterré.J'ai hérité de la somme totale de 12 millions de dollars de mon dernier mari,cet argent qui est gardé dans un coffre métallique est déposé avec une sécurité dans une société de finances ici aux philippines. En raison de l'instruction que j'ai fixée avant le dépôt,personne ni même le gouvernement ne pourra retrouver la trace de cet argent jusqu'à ce que je me decide à récuperer ma caisse.Ceci pour une securité maximum.Pour cette raison,la societé a usé de la diplomatie pour transferer la boite à Abidjan en Cote d'Ivoire où elle a une surccusale sécrète.Cet transfert a été codé conformement au contrat qui nous lie comme un tresor de famille.Car la société elle même ne sait pas ce qui se trouve dans cette boite qui a été envoyée des philippines en Cote d'ivoire dans une valise diplomatique.Ma préoccupation majeure aujourd'hui est de faire sortir cette caisse de la Cote d'Ivoire pour une autre destination . C'est pour cela que je vous envoie ce message afin que vous m'aidiez car le procedé qui a permi le transfert de la caisse à abidjan peu être repris pour une autre destination .qui quel que soit l'adresse que vous pensez être sûre et vous donnerez le transfert s'effectuera.Je pense pouvoir vous faire confiance.Bien sûr vous aurez un pourcentage conséquent.En fait, depuis la mort de mon mari, ses frères m'ont sérieusement poursuivie , essayant de me supprimer pour qu'ils puissent avoir les documents de ses propriétés. Ils ont avec succès rassemblé toutes ses propriétés, cependant ils ne se sont jamais arrêtés là, ils m'ont demandée de leur donner les differents numeros des comptes banquaires de mon dernier mari.Mais ils n'aurons jamais connaissance du dépôt que j'ai effectué avec la société de sécurité et qui est maintenant à Abidjan-Côte d'Ivoire,parce que c'est mon avenir et mon destin . La famille de mon dernier mari ne sait pas l'existence secrète de ce dépôt que j'ai fait avec la société de sécurité et elle ne le saura jamais . Vu la pression que ma belle famille exerce sur moi La situation devient incontrôlable .Le gouvernement aussi exerce de fortes pressions sur moi. C'est pour cela j'ai decidé de trouver une personne digne de confiance qui pourrais m'aider à recuperer cette caisse de la Cote d'Ivoire pour la déposer à son adresse.Je suis une veuve et je suis desemparée. Venez à mon secour car la situation devient de plus en plus difficile. Je m'acquite de la somme de100 $ par jour pour le coffre fort .Si vous êtes prêt à m'aider je vous donnerez le contact de la societé.Vous les appelerez et vous leur donnerez une adresse, pour qu'elle vous envoie immediatement le colis. Je vous enverai le certificat d'Autorisation et le certificat de dépôt que la societé m'a remis le jour du depôt.Je vous donne tous ces renseignements pour votre entière coopération.Merci de votre comprehension.
Que le seigneur vour garde,
villaran nenita.
Essayez, votre nouvelle page d'accueil ! Personnalisez-la en quelques clics pour retrouver tout ce qui vous intéresse au même endroit.

Contact the Courier Company immediately

From: agnes cole -

Dear Friend , It has been long we communicate last, am so sorry for the delay, I want toInform you that your cheque of ($850.000.00) Which my boss asked me to mail to you as soon as you requested it, is still with me.But due to some minure issue you fails to respond at the Approprete time, and presently the cheque is with me here in BENIN REPUBLIC.Though i had a new contact from a friend of mine who works with one securitycompany here in BENIN REPUBLIC that will deliver you your cheque at your door stepwith a cheeper rate, which the company said that it will cost you the sum of $97 usd, So you have to Contact them and register with them now.Only what you will Contact them and send your full information such:Your direct celphone Number,Home or Office:Address to Avoid wrong Delivery, You should also tell the Company to give you the Information and how you will send them the Delivery fee ($97 usd) Immediately you Contact them before the cheque $850.000.00 will be delivered to your Door step. Below is the Courier Company contact address:IMPEX SECURITY COMPANYCONTACT PERSON: Dr Jim.V.CCELPHONE NUMBER:00229-95-846-864EMAIL: Please do get back to me as soon as you have contacted the security company so that i can be able to submit your cheque to them immediately. Thank you.Mrs Agnes Cole .
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Big Money Transfer

From: Mr Sam G Brown -


I discovered a dormant account in my office, as Group
finance director with Alpha bank London. It will be in my interest to
transfer this fund worth Twenty Million Pounds Sterling 20,000,000) in
an account offshore. If you can be a collaborator/partner to this
please indicate interest immediately for us to proceed. Remember this
is absolutely confidential, as I am seeking your assistance as the
beneficiary of this unclaimed funds,

since we are not allowed to
operate a foreign account, Your contact phone numbers and name will be
necessary for this effect, I have reposed my confidence in you and hope
that you will not disappoint me. pls reply me at my private email box


My Regards,
Mr. Sam G Brown

Enquiry. Reply soon

From: Mike Gillespie -

Attention;I am contacting you as a matter of urgency about a huge transfer of fifteen million pounds. I have only written to seek for your indulgence and assistance. You will be providing a designated bank account of your choice.My name is Mike Gillespie. Director of integrated finance of a bank here. Thus, for your indulgence and assistance (morally and financially), i propose a 45% share of the total amount to you after the transfer has been successfully effected.Kindly, state your interest by replying to; , and i shall furnish you with details and procedures preceding the transfer. I will appreciate that your phone number is also sent as you write to me in compliance to my offer and henceforth, make sure your email is checked more often for updates.Sincerely yours,Mike Gillespie.

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From: eddymond douglas -

From: The Desk of Dr.Eddymond Douglas
International Commercial Bank Limited
First -Light, Kaneshie Branch,

Dear Friend,
I hope this may not constitute sort of embarrassment to you, but I will be very please if this transaction will make us know each other as we both are going to benefit from this transaction, First I must solicit your confidence in this transaction, this is by virtue of its nature as being utterly confidential and top secret. But I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day.

I have decided to contact you due to the urgency of this transaction, as we have been reliably informed of your discreetness and ability in transaction of this nature. Let me start by introduce my self properly to you, my name is Eddymond Douglas, I am the regional manager of the International Commercial Bank of Ghana, first-light kaneshie branch in the Western Region of Ghana. I came to know you in my Private Search for a Reliable and Reputable Person to handle this Confidential Transaction. I am 48years of age and married with 9 lovely kids. It may interest you to hear that I am a man of PEACE and INTERGRITY; I only hope we can assist each other.

I have packaged a financial transaction that will benefit both of us, as the regional manager of the International Commercial Bank Limited; it is my duty to send in a financial report to my head office in the capital city Accra at the end of each year. On the course of the last year end of year report, I discovered that my branch in which I am the manager made $11.500.000.00USD ( Eleven Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) which my head office are not aware of and will never be aware of. I have since place this fund on what we call SUSPENSE ACCOUNT without any beneficiary.

As an officer of the bank I can not be directly connected to this money, so this informed my contacting you for us to work, so that you can assist and receive this money into your bank account for us to SHARE. The sharing of the fund are thus: 30% for you 50% for I and the remaining 20% for any legal expenses we have acquired in this transaction.

Note! There are practically no risk involved, this transaction is 100% risk free and legally blinded, it will be bank to bank transfer, all I need from you is to stand claim as the original depositor of this fund who made the deposit with our branch so that our Head office can order the transfer to your designated bank account.

If you accept this offer to work with me, If you find this proposal suitable for you do furnish me with the following information's: Your full Name, Contact Address, Occupation and Position, Date of Birth, Gender, Marital Status, Nationality, E-mail address, Tel/Fax Number. To enable me fix your data in our bank file, so that you will be recognized in our bank (ICB) as a customer before the onward transfer.

I will appreciate it very much. If this proposal is acceptable by you, do not make undue advantage of the trust I have bestowed in you. And how we can achieve it successfully.
Best regards,
Dr. Eddymond Douglas

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From: musa asam -

Attention please,

I am Mr.MUSA ASAM ,a miner working with the federal ministry ofnatural resources of my country. Life in the mines is quite a dangerous one as some of us sometimes die in the mines while the government and its cohorts enjoy the proceeds at the expense of our lives.To this effect therefore, some of us who have the mind have decided tosteal 250 kilos of 22 karat gold(both gold bars and gold dust areavailable) Sell it and run to foreign countries with our families. Theprice of the gold is $4000 per kilo.
Considering the secrecy involved in this kind of deal, we are scared tocontact anyhow person. But, we have contacted you with the hope that you will keep the secrecy at the sometime assist us to either sell the gold or buy it from us. This is our last opportunity and we are not ready to lose it. If you are serious and ready to buy from us or assist us in getting capable buyers
Kindly show your interest by replying this mail as shown below. For security reasons we will at thistime communicate via e-mail considering the security reasons involved until we know actually that you are with us then we will give you a contact telephone number. We have to inform you that some top officials of the mines are involved and will assist to produce all necessary documents which will back up the gold as one that has legally and directly bought from the ministry of gold and natural resources.
This therefore makes this a 100% risk free deal.
Get back to us as quickly as possible so that we will move the gold outin alluvial dust or bars depending of the one that you will need.Waiting to hearing from you soon
Mr.MUSA ASAMBurkina Faso West Africa

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From: john alex -

Attention Dear,
I have Paid for the delivery fee for your Cheque Draft.but the manager of Eko Bank Benin told me that before the check will get to you that it will expire.So i told him to cash $850,000.00 all the necessary arrangement of delivering the $850,000.00 in cash was made with SHALOM COURIER COMPANY. Be inform that there are some documents to be secured. Do contact them and let me know when you have recieve your fund below is the needed information to enable them deliver your fund to you immediately


Do let me know immediately you receive your consignment that consist yur fund that i deposited in the shalom courier company so that we can share the joy togerther.


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