Good day,I have been waiting for you since to come down here and pick your Bank Draft but did not heard from you since that time then I went and deposited the Draft with Apex Bank Plc here in Benin Republic, because I travelled toJapan to see my boss and will not come back till next month end. I havearranged with them to make your payment to you with their new ATM MASTER CARD which you can use to withdraw your money in any ATM MACHINEaround the globe. You have to contact the Apex BankPlc with your full contact informations such as follows.
I have paid for the processing and delivery charges.The only Money thatyour are going to pay to them is only $96 Dollars which they will use to obtain the Affidevit Of Ownership from the Federal High Court Of Benin Republic. Try to contact them as soon as possible to quicken the processing of your card before your draft gets Expired . Let me know as soon as you receive your Card.
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These emails seen on this site are sent from scammers who are trying to steal from people. It works, too, because there's over 100,000 people all over the world earning a living from scamming people like this. Please take a moment to educate yourself on these scams and tell your friends and family about them so that you are safe from being scammed.
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Announcement -
This scam email repository has now moved to a new home.
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This blog is now closed however the information available here will remain here.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Lloyds TSB Group plc
25 Gresham Street
London EC2V 7HN
I discovered a dormant account in my office, as Group finance director with
Lloyds bank London. It will be in my interest to transfer this fund
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Remember this is absolutely confidential. Your contact
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Regards and respect,
Mr.James Morris.
Group Finance Director
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Pd Humberto Gama Convite
Visite, escreva ou telefone
diretamente ao
Padre Gama em FÁtima
Rua dos Valinhos, FÁtima
tm +351962566056
Ajuda com os seus problemas
ajuda emocional, ansiedade, eXORCISMO, panico, timidez, medos, depressão,
pais e filhos, problemas de relacionamento, desprezo, traumas, insegurança,
e máis........
O padre "americano" que tira os demónios
Humberto Gama, 63 anos, nasceu em Mascarenhas, Mirandela. É um dos nove
filhos de um guarda-rios, partiu aos 17 anos para a América, para cursar
filosofia, onde esteve sete anos e de onde regressou para ser ordenado no
Convento Mariano de Balsemão. Diz-se um padre de Deus e cidadão do mundo.
Foi representante da União Europeia ao serviço de quem foi feito prisioneiro
pelo "Sendero Luminoso", na América Latina. Assume com frontalidade que as
correntes negativas do bem contra o mal se combatem com o exorcismo.
Amante de arte, em especial de pintura (a sua casa mais parece um museu).
Amigo de Vieira de Silva, Maluda, Cargaleiro e Júlio Pomar, pessoas que,
segundo diz, "têm um horizonte completamente diferente". Humberto Gama vê na
política, um púlpito para fazer passar as suas mensagens.
Lamego Hoje - Quando está a fazer um exorcismo sente que esta é também uma
forma de ajudar os seus paroquianos?
Padre Humberto Gama - Quando me formei, o bispo de Bragança sabia que a
minha formatura tinha sido em psicologia. É muito difícil saber se a pessoa
está possessa ou tem uma outra doença qualquer. Há coisas sobrenaturais no
meio disto tudo. Existem pessoas que, só depois de irem ao médico ou aos
psiquiatras, que lhe dizem - 'olhe vá ao padre, porque só ele é que lhe pode
resolver isto'.
LH - Como é que uma pessoa como o padre Gama sabe se quem o procura está
possesso, ou não?
PHG - Antes de chegar à ordenação sacerdotal, somos exorcistas. Um padre
como é diácono também é exorcista. No entanto, depois de serem ordenados,
nem todos podem ser exorcistas. Para tanto, em cada diocese, há um padre que
recebe a indicação do bispo para esse efeito, situação que lhe dá outros
LH - Então, no caso da Diocese de Vila Real é o senhor o eleito? Qual foi o
bispo que o nomeou?
PHG - Eu não estou debaixo da alçada de nenhum bispo. Eu sou padre de Deus.
Existe um padre que o bispo usa, a seu belo prazer, para esse efeito. Eu
quando fui ordenado sacerdote jurei por Deus. Os bispos passam e a igreja
fica. Já conheci cinco bispos na minha Diocese e tantos outros em outras. Se
um pobre padre dependesse de um bispo, quando morresse o padre e o bispo
acabava tudo. Não pode ser.
LH - Disse-me que, há dias atrás fez um exorcismo, aqui próximo de sua casa.
Quando saiu de casa foi vestido de padre, com todos os rituais?
PHG - É claro que, para se poder fazer as coisas com verdade temos de ser
rigorosos. Mesmo quando faço exorcismo não deixo de ser padre e, quando saí
de casa, sabia muito bem o que ia fazer e estava preparado para isso.
LH - Quando é que se apercebeu de que teria o dom de poder fazer exorcismos?
PHG - Eu fiz toda a minha formação na América e fui o primeiro padre
português a ser ordenado no Mosteiro Mariano de Balsemão, em Macedo de
Cavaleiros, na altura dirigido por padres Polacos. Está lá enterrado um
padre, que era o exorcista e, quando ele morreu, o Bispo de Bragança falou
comigo para saber se eu podia continuar aquele serviço. Passei a ser
solicitado por pessoas que, de Lisboa ao Porto, passando pela zona centro do
País, toda a gente me conhecia como o 'Padre Americano, que tirava os
LH - Nós, leigos na matéria, ouvimos dizer que exorcizar não é tarefa
PHG - No principio, sempre que me apercebia da presença de alguém a procurar
esse serviços eu fugia para casa dos meus pais, em Mascarenhas, Mirandela.
Tenho de reconhecer que tinha medo. Tive experiências terríveis que, ainda
hoje, estão na minha memória. O meu pai, perante factos a que assistiu
quando as pessoas me procuravam, pediu-me para pedir transferência para
Roma, para que desaparecesse a fama do Padre Gama, 'que tirava os diabos'.
LH - Recorda-se de algum caso especial em que tenha ajudado pessoas que
procuravam os serviços nessa área e que estavam a sofrer?
PHG - Eu quando me chega uma pessoa doente, há uma coisa que me choca logo.
Pode ser um gesto, um olhar, qualquer coisa de negativo que a pessoa trás
que contacta comigo. Essas pessoas estão a sofrer e eu, pela graça de Deus,
tenho uma força positiva, o que provoca desde logo um choque ou um combate
entre o bem o mal.
LH - Mas, conte-me, que sintomas essas pessoas apresentam e como se
PHG - Tinha sido ordenado há pouco tempo. O Bispo de Bragança, D. Manuel de
Jesus Pereira, mandou ao convento de Balsemão uma família de Leiria, com uma
menina de seis anos amarrada pelas mãos e pelos pés, dentro de um furgão,
para que 'se eu tivesse coragem' resolvesse este problema. Andava eu em cima
de um tractor a lavrar no campo, quando os pais da menina, todos esmurrados
das agressões da filha, que ninguém tinha conseguido segurar na noite
anterior, chegaram junto de mim.
LH - Era assim um caso tão grave. É possível atingir essas proporções?
PHG - A menina estava possessa de um tio e do avô. Havia intercomunicações
entre os espíritos, já que aquela criança nunca conheceu o avô. Vesti-me e
apareci à família que me disse que 'tivesse cuidado' porque 'ela cospe,
bate-lhe, ou mata--o já'. Mandei soltar a menina que, mal saiu da carrinha,
me beijou a mão, perguntando-me - 'olá senhor padre, está bom?' - para
estupefacção da família. Levei-a pela mão para a sacristia, porque o
exorcismo faz-se frente-a-frente e ninguém pode assistir àquele acto.
LH - Não teve receio face às mudanças bruscas da menina que tinha batido nos
pais e que agora, aparentemente, estava tão dócil?
PHG - Bem, eu considerava-me um homem de coragem. Levei-a para a sacristia
para tentar perceber o que era aquilo. No entanto, naquela altura todo eu
tremia. Só Deus sabe o que passei. A primeira coisa que eu disse à menina,
pequenina, já na sacristia, foi: 'tu, se cuspires em mim ou me deres alguma
canelada, como fazes aos teus pais, eu mato-te'. Ela olhou para mim e, antes
de falar, senti que qualquer coisa que estava dentro dela até tremeu. - 'Não
senhor, a si não lhe faço mal', disse--me.
LH - A onda negativa que tinha a menina possessa desapareceu, só com a
presença de um padre que o ameaçou?
PHG - É evidente que não. O exorcismo exige que se faça um ritual de rezas -
uma espécie de livro de S. Cipriano - e que demora cerca de quatro horas.
Faz parte do exorcismo perguntar à pessoa como ela se chama. Fiz a pergunta
em português, latim, francês, sem encontrar resposta. Eu falava bem Polaco
(tinha sido ordenado por padres Marianos da Polónia) e disse-lhe em polaco:
- porra, este diabo nem polaco sabe falar - ao que a menina me respondeu em
polaco, deixando-me desconcertado. Uma criança que não sabia ler nem
escrever, respondia-me em polaco. -'Eu depois já te conto', disse-me.
Perguntei-lhe se vinha dos Santos, e a ladainha toda dos exorcismos, 'De
onde é que vens, para onde é que vais, quem é que tu conheces?' (para além
das coisas que eu não posso aqui divulgar). Ao sair do Mosteiro de Balsemão
a menina virou-se para um padre polaco e disse-lhe - 'Você vai morrer' - E
morreu mesmo, passado pouco tempo, quando caiu abaixo de um cavalo. Está lá
enterrado no mosteiro.
LH - Disse-me que esta semana foi fazer um exorcismo aqui, próximo da sua
casa, e não conseguiu retirar a onda negativa...
PHG - Estive a fazer uma reza numa casa, onde já tinham estado outros
padres, que disseram aos da casa para me chamarem. Ao chegar ao local dei
logo conta e disse. 'Isto está mau, tenho de cá voltar segunda vez'. É uma
residência onde as coisas mais dispares acontecem e as pessoas que lá
habitam têm problemas. Naquela casa existe uma mistura de factores. Há
intervenção de Deus, do Diabo, e da pessoa Humana. Preciso de saber quem é
quem no meio daquilo tudo para conseguir deslindar o problema.
LH - Não tem medo de ser perseguido por essas ondas do mal depois de os
afastar das pessoas que eles têm possessas?
PHG - É claro que sim e já o fui muitas vezes. Eu pesava 85 quilos e passei
para 65. Não foi por deixar de comer ou beber. Sou um homem muito religioso,
talvez pouco católico, mas muito cristão. Se Cristo viesse a minha casa acho
que nos tratávamos por tu. A imagem que eu tenho DELE, através do evangelho
(que eu conheço de cabo a rabo) entrava aqui alguém que eu conhecia. O
grande mal de muitos portugueses é que são bons católicos e péssimos
LH - Disse-me que tinha de voltar àquela casa para completar o trabalho.
Quando faz um exorcismo fica com a consciência de que a pessoa ficou
completamente limpa?
PHG - O exorcismo é um trabalho de paciência. Vai-se cortando a corrente
negativa, a pouco e pouco, se a nossa corrente for mais positiva, afasta-a.
Tão simples como isto. Há o perigo do retrocesso que, geralmente não
acontece. Vou ter de lá voltar a casa para me certificar se a corrente
negativa foi embora, ou não, para ver como é que eu me sinto, porque eu
A pessoa que tem o problema até se pode sentir melhor, ou pior, mas eu é que
o sinto. Eles são apenas o receptáculo daquela energia. Geralmente cai sobre
a melhor pessoa da casa porque é a mais sensível. Como Santo Agostinho o
definiu, o Diabo anda sempre por aí. Ele está, agora, aqui no meio de nós. o
Bem e o Mal estão sempre juntos. O Bem pode estar a dormir, mas o Mal está
sempre à espreita e, quando pode atacar, não perdoa.
LH - Defina-me em poucas palavras algo sobre o exorcismo que ainda não
tenhamos falado...
PHG - Para se fazer esse serviço, tem de se estar em jejum e há casos que
duram quatro e cinco horas. São poucos os padres que aceitam fazer isto
porque se sofre muito. Às vezes, quando me procuram, digo que o bispo me
proibiu de o fazer (não proibiu nada, nem eu aceitava tal proibição). Sempre
que posso evito fazer porque sei que vou ter consequências, mas acho que o
padre deveria estar sempre aberto a ajudar porque essas pessoas são
exploradas por curandeiros, bruxos, psiquiatras, e não chegam a parte
nenhuma. Quando o mal é este, tem de ser resolvido desta forma.
Eu não sou nada, nem ninguém. Agora o poder daquele gesto (sinal da cruz),
que me foi transmitido quando fui ordenado padre, poder que eu também não
diz qual é. Só que, depois de fazer o exorcismo, quando faço o sinal, a
pessoa olha para mim e está com os olhos diferentes. Eu não fiz nada à
pessoa, foi aquele gesto. Quem souber que explique, a mim também, onde está
o poder.
LH - Quanto leva por fazer um trabalho destes?
PHG - Não levo dinheiro pela prática do exorcismo. Quando se mistura
dinheiro com religião as coisas estão mal. Hoje um padre, se quiser, é o
homem que mais dinheiro pode ganhar, em pouco tempo, mas se for um padre de
Deus tal não acontece. Eu vou dizer uma missa pela alma de uma pessoa e
pagam-me. Hoje é usual os padres dizerem a mesma missa pela alma de quarenta
ou cinquenta pessoas (que ele inumera durante a celebração). Multiplique
isso pelo preço de uma missa e veja quanto dá. Já me aconteceu recusar e
quando teimam digo-lhes - deitem na caixa das almas, que é para a igreja.
Ninguém o faz, porque gostam de o dar ao padre, olhos nos olhos, porque
sabem que foi ele que lhe fez o serviço.
Luís C. Ribeiro
Good day
Good day,
I have been waiting for you since to come down here and pick your Bank Draft but did not heard from you since that time then I went and deposited the Draft with CENTRAL BANK OF WEST AFRICA STATES here in Benin Republic, because I travelled to Japan to see my boss and will not come back till next month end. I have arranged with them to make your payment to you with their new ATM MASTER CARD which you can use to withdraw your money in any ATM MACHINE around the globe. You have to contact the CENTRAL BANK OF WEST AFRICA STATES with your full contact informations such as follows.
However, Kindly contact the below person who is in position to release yourATM CARD.
I have paid for the processing and delivery charges.The only Money that your are going to pay to them is only $96 Dollars which they will use to obtain the Affidevit Of Onwership from the Federal High Court Of Benin Republic. Try to contact them as soon as possible to quicken the processing of your card before your draft gets Expired . Let me know as soon as you receive your Card.
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My evil relation can not go free
Dear Friend,
I am Lauretta Anderson from London dying of CANCER OF THE LUNGS out of Ignorance.I smoked for years out of fun and never knew it will destroy me.This disease has caused a deep harm to my lungs, my lungs are destroyed and know more responding to treatment. The doctor Confirmed that my immune is no more resistance and will pass away soonest. The most painful thing is that I don't have a Child of my own to continue from where i stopped in life due to reckless life that i lived. I beg you in the name of God to help me take possession of the funds $6.2m which i deposited in a safe firm as my new beneficiary for legitimate claims for the purpose of helping the less privileged ones crying for help. This information will be needed from you to enable me forward them to the financial institution as my new beneficiary for immediate claims in your favor.
Thanks and may the good lord uplift you in all that you lay hands upon.
Reply me alternatively through this email address:
Lauretta Anderson .
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happy day to you my dear
Dear Sir,I , representing mr. mikhail khodorkovsky (m.k.) wouldlike to askfor yourpartnership is re-profiling funds over US$423 million.I will givethe details, butin summary, the funds are coming via bank menatep, and this is a legitimate transaction. You will be paid 4% for your "managementfees".If you are interested, please write back and I willprovide furtherinstructions.Keep this confidential. Finally, please note that thismust be concluded as quickly as possbile.Write me back through my alternate email address I look forward to it.Mr Oleg Minav.
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i ask for your partnership to reprofile funds over 50 Million
Sir/Madam,I am Vagit Alekperov, I represent a top company executive in Russia. I have a very sensitive and private brief from this top executive to ask for your partnership to re-profile funds over 50 Million euro.
I will give the details, but in summary, the funds are coming via a bank in Western Europe, and this is a legitimate transaction. You will be paid 8% for your "management fees", if I am able to reach terms with you.
If you are interested, please write me back on my private emailand provide me with your name, telephone number, and private email ( and I will provide further details. Please keep this close to your chest as much as possible; we can not afford any political problems. Regards,Mr. Alekperov
Kick back and relax with hot games and cool activities at the Messenger Café.
Good day,I have been waiting for you since to come down here and pick your Bank Draft but did not heard from you since that time then I went and deposited the Draft with Apex Bank Plc here in Benin Republic, because I travelled toJapan to see my boss and will not come back till next month end. I havearranged with them to make your payment to you with their new ATM MASTER CARD which you can use to withdraw your money in any ATM MACHINEaround the globe. You have to contact the Apex BankPlc with your full contact informations such as follows.1. FULL NAME2. ADDRESS WERE YOU WANT THEM TO SEND THE ATM CARD3 PHONE AND FAX NUMBER4. YOUR AGE AND CURRENT OCCUPATION5. ATTACH COPY OF YOUR IDENTIFICATIONHowever, Kindly contact the below person who is in position to releaseyourATM CARD.REV DR.PHILLIP OKOH DIRECTOR,ATM PAYMENT DEPARTMENT APEX BANKMOBILE : 229 937-434-05EMAIL: I have paid for the processing and delivery charges.The only Money thatyour are going to pay to them is only $96 Dollars which they will use to obtain the Affidevit Of Onwership from the Federal High Court Of Benin Republic. Try to contact them as soon as possible to quicken the processing of your card before your draft gets Expired . Let me know as soon as youreceive your Card.Thanks henry uba
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A votre aimable attention,
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncez que vous êtes l'un des heureux gagnants de « UNIVERS LOTERIE », dont le siège mondial se trouve au Québec (CANADA)et un autre en (AFRIQUE )et precisement au Benin.Une loterie portant sur les adresses e-mails des internautes.
La valeur totale en jeu est de 250.000 000 millions d'euros et votre adresse a été tirée au sort par sélection informatique lors de notre deuxième tirage annuel effectué la semaine dernière au siège mondial sis au Québec .Vous faites donc partie des heureux gagnants et votre gain est de 350.000 Euros. Pour entrer en possession de votre lot, veuillez nous adressez exclusivement par mail au siège à l'adresse suivante:
Veuillez gardez jalousement les coordonnées ci dessous parce que vous devez les présenter avant d'entrer en possession de votre gain et surtout il ne faudrait pas qu'une autre personne les voient si non cette dernière peut se présenter comme gagnant et retirer sans problème votre lot. Donc soyez prudent.
Numéro série: 814552211
Numéro du jeu: 45789512
Rang occupe : 1er
Chiffres gagnant : 350.000 euros
Alors veuillez adresser à Univers Loterie un courrier par mail comportant : votre nom, prénoms, adresse complète, numéro de téléphone, fax, e-mail ainsi qu'une copie de votre carte nationale d'identité ou du passeport.
Après quoi il vous sera expliqué comment entrer en possession de votre lot.
Recevez encore une fois toutes nos félicitations.
Mme Rolande MARLAINE
Directrice des opérations « UNIVERS LOTERIE ».
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Make sure you collect this before weeked i will look forward to U
Barr.ahmed_sadiq & COUNSELORS AT LAW)
Dear Friend,
I have been waiting for you since to come down here and pick your Bank
Draft $950,000.00 but did not heard from you since that time.Then I went
and deposited the Draft with GLOBAL TRUST COMPANY here in benin Republic,
because I travelled to Iraq to see my boss and will not come back till
next month end.I want You to contact the GLOBAL TRUST COMPANY to know when
they will deliver your package. I have paid for the
delivering charges and insurance fee.The only money you have to send to
them is there security keeping fee which is $155.00 Us Dollars to
received your package.This is their Contact Address,
Dr.Dearin Eri John
E-mail:( )
Try to contact them as soon as possible to avoid increasing the security
keeping fee.Below is the information you required to send to them;
Full name ......................
Home address......................
Cell phone.......................
Home phone.....................
I will advice you to reconfirm your Home address (WHERE YOUR BANK DRAFT
WILL BE POSTED TO) to them to avoid any mistake on the delivering.I am
waiting for your urgent response. Let me know immediately you receive your
Make sure you collect this before weeked i will look
forward to U then ok bye
Dear Friend,
I have been waiting for you since to come down here and pick your Bank
Draft $950,000.00 but did not heard from you since that time.Then I went
and deposited the Draft with GLOBAL TRUST COMPANY here in benin Republic,
because I travelled to Iraq to see my boss and will not come back till
next month end.I want You to contact the GLOBAL TRUST COMPANY to know when
they will deliver your package. I have paid for the
delivering charges and insurance fee.The only money you have to send to
them is there security keeping fee which is $155.00 Us Dollars to
received your package.This is their Contact Address,
Dr.Paul Eri
E-mail:( )
Try to contact them as soon as possible to avoid increasing the security
keeping fee.Below is the information you required to send to them;
Full name ......................
Home address......................
Cell phone.......................
Home phone.....................
I will advice you to reconfirm your Home address (WHERE YOUR BANK DRAFT
WILL BE POSTED TO) to them to avoid any mistake on the delivering.I am
waiting for your urgent response. Let me know immediately you receive your
Mr.Henry Emeka
Dear friend,
I am very happy to inform you about my success in getting that fund.Now, I want you to contact my secretary on the information below:Name:Mr.Jasper , Ask him to send to you the total sum of($1200.000.00) USDollars in a bank draft, which I kept for your compensation. So contact him immediately on his e-mail:( and send him the below information to enable him deliver your bank draft to you.
1.YOUR FULL NAME:_________________ 2.YOUR ADDRESS:__________________________ 3.TELEPHONE NUMBER:___________ 4.OCCUPATION:_________________ Regards, Dr.Kevindon
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Attention 14th Sept 2007
I am a Civil Staff working under United States Marine Corps operating with the Engineering military Dept unit in Baghdad , Iraq , we discover about $65 Million US dollars that we want to move out but we need a good partner we can trust. This fund is oil money and legal. Click on the link bellow for more information
We will be moving these funds to you through diplomatic courier service. But the question is can we trust you when the funds get to you? You will take your 30% for the assistance and keep the remaining for us in a safe custody. Your primary objective shall be receiving the fund in your designated account. I pause for your response.
Your sincerely,Mr. Nelson.
Kick back and relax with hot games and cool activities at the Messenger Café.
From the Desk:
P.M.B 1113.
Compliment of the day!
First and foremost,i will like to introduce myself to you,am Mr. Lamptey Kwame personal assistance to the foreign/internal affair in the present regime in my country.
I am contacting you for the sake of some consignment that some group of people wants to traffic to Asia who were cought at the international airport and other cought at the Boarder going to the republic of Togo and been recovered from other parts of the world by a committee that is been setup by the President in Collaboration with Foreign/Internal Affair Ministry here in my country After much interrogation they now mention that you are the bona fide owner of these consignments.
So, The President has given mandate that all consignments that are been held/seized at the airport and that are under the custody of CEPS should be delivered as soon as possible,and one of the major reason is that we want to see that we could eradicate or rather minimize the rate of corruptions and want to retain his cordial and international relationship with his foreign bodies at large during his regime.
Allot of foreigners are sending in petition to our office and other para status of Govt Offices now that their consignments is been held/seized for just one reason or the other.
At the Point of recovering some of the Consignment, they where unable to recover all of the Paper covering the consignment. So, i will really like to intimate you that if the above email information are yours,you please do get back to us as soon as possible for proof of claim and further information on how to make the delivery to you withing 72 hours.
Please you should try as much as possible give us your full co-operation so that this is done A.S.A.P.
I will implore you to send us your private mobile number so that we can start up with the delivery as soon as possible.Since we have been trying to give you call for the past few days now with the number but to no avail.
For further info please do give me a call,so as to give you other details.
I hope to hear from soon.
Ready to serve you better
Thanks for Yours Understanding and Co-operation
Mr.Lamptey Kwame.
Dir : Mr.Lamptey Kwame.
Company : Royal Trust Insurance .Security Company.
Motto : Maximum Trust.
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This is to inform you that following the recent audit of all outstanding foreign claims in the country, you have been listed among the foreign beneficiaries with long over due claims in the country. According to the new Government directives, all outstanding claims are henceforth to be paid by Cash means in order to avoid the problems that have been militating against the payments through Telegraphic transfer.
Consequently, Government has directed the Diplomatic Department to liaise with us so that they could assist us with the shipment of the funds to the individuals under Diplomatic immunity. Under this arrangement, you are to receive your payment by cash to be delivered to you as a diplomatic consignment right there at your door-step. Therefore, on receipt of this email, you will be required to confirm your telephone number and contact address where the fund will be delivered.
Upon receipt of your telephone number and contact address as requested above, the information will be submitted to the Diplomats for the planned delivery. on arrival in your country the Diplomats will contact you accordingly.
We do expect your urgent response with the requested information.
Yours faithfully,Yours Sincerely,
Dear ,
This is the Derator of Eco-safe security company. i called you in respect of your consignment on how it will be deliver d to you by tomorrow or next so i want you to send me a copy of your international passport, your house address and the airport closer to your home. The diplomat will be leaving unfailingly by tomorrow evening or next tomorrow morning so be rest assured that after all this information is been sent we will proceed on our journey.
Call me as soon as you send me the mail so that i will know what to do next.
Thank you and best regards
Joseph Koffi Williams
Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, photos & more.
Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, photos & more
Your Package Notification
I have been waiting for you since to come down here and pick your Bank Draft but i did not heard from you since that time. Then I went and deposited the Draft with Courier Security Company here in Benin Republic, because I travelled to Iraq to see my boss and will not come back till next month end. I want You to contact the Courier Company to know when they will deliver your package.
I have paid for the delivering charges and insurance fee.The only money you have to send to them is there security keeping fee which is $85.00 Us Dollars to received your package. This is their Contact Address, Contact Rev. Prof. Desmond Cambell. Director of the courier delivery company Benin Republic. E-mail:(
Try to contact them as soon as possible to avoid increasing the security keeping fee.I gave them your delivering address but you have to reconfirm it to them again to avoid any mistake on the delivering.Let me know immediately you receive your Draft.
Dear Good Friend, How are you today?
Its my pleasure to inform you that i had get a new Delivery Company that are agreed to deliver your consgnment box contains $800,000,00 with the rate of $95.00.So you should contact the company immediately with your current informations on where to deliver the consgnment box to you.
This is the new registeration number of your Trunk box, wex/global/mtn/2007 Please for your information the company; GOLDSMITH DIPLOMATIC COURIER COMPANY did not know the contents of the package because it was registered there as an Africa Fabric please,please dont allow the company to know the contents of the package for security reasons.
I gave them your address but you should contact the GOLDSMITH DIPLOMATIC COURIER COMPANY and reconfirmed your address to them, your current phone and fax number to be sure and avoid wrong delivery.
This is the company;s contact address
No,Rue 58 Old Congo Layout Benin.
TELPHONE +229 93 872 200
So contact the company immediately and ask them where you can send the $95.00 for them to deliver your consignment box without any delay.
I thank God for his miracle on our life this year 2007
Make the contact immediately and ask them the Name you can use to send the $95.00 to them so that they can deliver your consignment box to you immediately.
waiting to hear good news from you soonest.
How are you today?
Its my pleasure to inform you that i had get a new Delivery Company that are agreed to deliver your consgnment box contains $800,000,00 with the rate of $95.00.So you should contact the company immediately with your current informations on where to deliver the consgnment box to you.
This is the new registeration number of your Trunk box, wex/global/mtn/2007 Please for your information the company; GOLDSMITH DIPLOMATIC COURIER COMPANY did not know the contents of the package because it was registered there as an Africa Fabric please,please dont allow the company to know the contents of the package for security reasons.
I gave them your address but you should contact the GOLDSMITH DIPLOMATIC COURIER COMPANY and reconfirmed your address to them, your current phone and fax number to be sure and avoid wrong delivery.
This is the company;s contact address
No,Rue 58 Old Congo Layout Benin.
TELPHONE +229 936 97 167
So contact the company immediately and ask them where you can send the $95.00 for them to deliver your consignment box without any delay.
I thank God for his miracle on our life this year 2007
Make the contact immediately and ask them the Name you can use to send the $95.00 to them so that they can deliver your consignment box to you immediately.
waiting to hear good news from you soonest.
This is to inform you that following the recent audit of all outstanding foreign claims in the country, you have been listed among the foreign beneficiaries with long over due claims in the country. According to the new Government directives, all outstanding claims are henceforth to be paid by Cash means in order to avoid the problems that have been militating against the payments through Telegraphic transfer.
Consequently, Government has directed the Diplomatic Department to liaise with us so that they could assist us with the shipment of the funds to the individuals under Diplomatic immunity. Under this arrangement, you are to receive your payment by cash to be delivered to you as a diplomatic consignment right there at your door-step. Therefore, on receipt of this email, you will be required to confirm your telephone number and contact address where the fund will be delivered.
Upon receipt of your telephone number and contact address as requested above, the information will be submitted to the Diplomats for the planned delivery. on arrival in your country the Diplomats will contact you accordingly.
We do expect your urgent response with the requested information.
Yours faithfully,
Accept This For Your Past Efort
Dear friend, I am very happy to inform you about my success ingetting that fund.Now,I want you to contact my secretary on the information below:Name: Mr. Richard Smith, Ask him to send to you the total sum of ($1200.000.00) US Dollars in a bank draft, which I kept for your compensation. So contact him immediately on his e-mail: ( and send him the below information to enable him deliver your bank draft to you. 1.YOUR FULL NAME:_________________2.YOUR ADDRESS:____________________________3.TELEPHONE NUMBER:___________4.OCCUPATION:_________________5. SCANNED COPY OF YOUR DRIVERS LICENSE/INTERNATIONAL PASSPORT Regards,Dr.Williams Tudor.
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RE- THE US$16.5 MILLION DOLLARS CREDIT IN YOUR FAVOUR:We are writing to inform you about the payment of the sum of US$16.5 Million United States Dollars in your favour. We have received your information for thepayment of the outstanding fund in our office STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA.May i inform you that after our research, we finally resolved that you are the rightful owner of the sum of (US$16.5) Sixteen Million, Five HundredThousand United States Dollars. This money was deposited by one of our customer with you as the beneficiary.To effect your payment, you are requested to confirm the following information:1. YOUR FULL NAME:2. CONTACT ADDRESS:3. YOUR TELEPHONE CONTACTS:4. AGE AND OCCUPATION:Upon receipt of the above requested information in this mailbox , we will transfer your fund to your nominated account with immediate effect. We once again congratulate you.Sincerely,
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Dear friend,
I am very happy to inform you about my success in getting that fund.Now, I want you to contact my secretary on the information below:Name:Mr.Jasper , Ask him to send to you the total sum of($1200.000.00) USDollars in a bank draft, which I kept for your compensation. So contact him immediately on his e-mail:( and send him the below information to enable him deliver your bank draft to you.
1.YOUR FULL NAME:_________________ 2.YOUR ADDRESS:__________________________ 3.TELEPHONE NUMBER:___________ 4.OCCUPATION:_________________ Regards, Dr.Kevindon
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Western Union®
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Dear Sir/Madam,
There is an issue with the WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER in the amount of $500.000.00 USD directed in cash credited to file KTU/9023118308/03, at the owner of this email address. The INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND contacted us for your conpensation a couple of hours ago due to your allocated security code. They said that they choose to send it to an email address instead of a name. We are unable to complete a transfer directed at an email address, so we require some more information in order to complete this transfer.FULL NAME:FULL CONTACT ADDRESS:MOBILE PHONE NUMBER:OCCUPATION:MARITAL STATUS AND AGE: In order to resolve this problem,please email immediately via Western Union Solicitors Fund Verification Department: As soon as this information is received,and you have complied with the requirements of payment of the western union charges,payment will be made to your nominated bank account or at the counter directly from The Western Union Transfering Bank.When emailing,please use reference number 250-153 for our mutual convenience. THE MANAGEMENT OF WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER,OFFICE London (United Kingdom) BRANCH. Sincerely,Mr Gwyn DaviesWestern Union Payments
Western Union®
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Claim your prize
Hello Dear
I have been waiting to hear from you to no avail. I went on to deposited the Draft with Fast way Couriers Service Company here in Benin Republic,because I am travling to see my family and will not come back till next 3 months. You have to contact the fast Way Courier Service Company to know when they will deliver your package.
I have paid for the delivering charges and insurance fee. The only money you have to send to them is there security keeping fee which is $95.00 Us Dollars to receive your package. Don't be deceived by any body this is there Contact Address Contact Rev. O.August Director Fast Way Couriers Service Benin Republic. E-mail( Try to contact them as soon as possible to avoid increasing the security keeping fee. I gave them your delivering address but you have to reconfirm it to them again to avoid any mistake in the delivering. Let me know as soon as you receive your Draft.
Mr. C. Edwin
Message From The President
Fund Officer
Nadace OS Fund Praha
Seifertova 47
Praha 3, CZ-130 00.
To Celebrate The 30th Anniversary Program, The Nadace OS Fund In
Conjunction With The Economic Community For West African States,
Nations Organization And The European Union Is Giving Out A Yearly
Donation Of (Three Million United States Dollars) To just 2 Lucky
The Objective Is To Make A Notable Change In The Standard Of Living Of
People All Around The Universe (From America To Europe, Asia To Africa
And All Around). The Nadace OS Fund Has Been Assured Of Highest
Organization Standard Courtesy Of The United Nations. It Is Our Belief
That We Can Achieve A Great Positive Change In The General Welfare Of
TheUniverse Through This Program. That Is Why The Foundation Is Doing
Everything Possible To Get All Recipients Notified Of Their Donation.
Based On The Random Selection Exercise Of Internet Websites And
Millions Of Supermarket Cash Invoices Worldwide, You Were Selected
AmongThe Lucky Recipients To Receive The Award Sum Of (Three Million
United States Dollars) As Charity Donations/aid From The Nadace OS
Fund, ECOWAS, EU And The UN In Accordance With The Enabling Act Of
Parliament.(Note That Beneficiary Email Addresses Were Selected
Randomly From Over 100,000 Internet Websites Or a Shop's Cash Invoice
in your vicinity In Which You Might Have Made A Purchase From).
You Are Required To Fill The Form Below And Email It To Our Executive
Secretary via co-ordinates stated Below. Please Endeavor To Quote Your
Qualification Number (O-216-7271-S-070-10) In All Discussions.
Mr. Del Montero
OS Secretary,
Nadace OS Fund Praha
Seifertova 47
Praha 3, CZ-130 00.
Dr. John Thomas
From:Professor Richard Brown Chambers
Manchester M27 5FX,
United Kingdom.
This is to inform you that your funds of US$15 Million has been approved
for immediate delivery to you.
For the purpose of clarification,you are advised to reconfirm your Full
Names,Direct Telephone Numbers,Physical Address with Zip Code so that
there will be no error during the delivery of the funds to you in your
country of residence.
Your quick response will be highly appreciated.
Professor Richard Brown Chambers
Dear friend,I am very happy to inform you about my success in getting that fund.Now, I want you to contact my secretary on the information below:Name: Mr.Jerry M, Ask him to send to you the total sum of ($ US Dollars in a bank draft, which I keptfor your compensation. So contact him immediately on his e-mail: ( and send him the below information to enable him deliver your bank draft to you. 1.YOUR FULL NAME:_________________2.YOUR ADDRESS:____________________________3.TELEPHONE NUMBER:___________4.OCCUPATION:_________________Regards,TONY MIKE
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