These emails seen on this site are sent from scammers who are trying to steal from people. It works, too, because there's over 100,000 people all over the world earning a living from scamming people like this. Please take a moment to educate yourself on these scams and tell your friends and family about them so that you are safe from being scammed.

Important -

Announcement -

This scam email repository has now moved to a new home.

Please visit Scam Warning for information about scams and current scam emails.

This blog is now closed however the information available here will remain here.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


From: Charles w. Gibson -

Dear Sir

On behalf of the board and management of Overseas Credit
Commission(OCC).London UK.
I Mr.Charles Gibson, the Operations Manager wishes to inform you that
your consignment/fund tagged diplomatic lugagge 122 with
Ref:No1226/X42/206 which
was deposited in our vault for safe keeping and Which bears you as the
consignee/beneficiary is due for Immediate collection.

Be informed that we have concluded all arrangments to ship and deliver
your consignment at your doorstep through diplomatic means.
To this effect therefore,to enable me commence shipment procedure
kindly furnish me with a copy of your international passport or any
other means of
identification as the true consignee and your designated address where
the package to be delivered.

As always, feel very free to contact us should you have any further
question as our customers rights are continuously protected.:+447045706465

Yours Sincerely

Charles Gibson
Foreign Operations Manager

Contact the Courier Company Immediately

From: -

Contact the Courier Company Immediately ,

Dear Friend ,

It has been long we communicate last, am so sorry for the delay, I
want to Inform you that your cheque of ($850.000.00) Which my boss
me to mail to you as soon as you requested it, is still with me.

But due to some minure issue you fails to respond at the Approprete
time, and presently the cheque is with me here in BENIN REPUBLIC.
Though i had a new contact from a friend of mine who works with one
security company here in BENIN REPUBLIC that will deliver you your
cheque at your door step with a cheeper rate, which the company said
that it will cost you the sumof $97 usd,

So you have to Contact them and register with them now.Only what you
will Contact them and send your full information such:Your
directcelphone Number,Home or Office:Address to Avoid wrong Delivery,

You should also tell the Company to give you the Information and how
you will sendthem the Delivery fee ($97 usd) Immediately you Contact
them before the cheque $850.000.00 will be delivered to your Door

Below is the Courier Company contact address:

Please do get back to me as soon as you have contacted the security
company so that i can be able to submit your cheque to them

Thank you.
Miss Agnes Cole.


Tiscali Broadband only £9.99 a month for your first 3 months!


From: Walid Mohammed -

My Dear One,

May the blessings of almighty allah be with you, i am a muslim but my believe in life is that muslim or christain, we all serve the same god and all humans are created by the same god so we must love one another. i am ibn mohammed mohammed, i am 72 years old and i am a citizen of Dubai and i am living here in Dubai, i was born an orphan,i have no father or mother and i have no relatives. as a young orphan, i struggled and worked hard and almighty allah blessed me abundantly with his riches.

I used to be a dealer in gold and diamonds, due to my illness my company was liquidated and sold 3 years back.i am now old and sick, but i am not a happy man as i have no wife and no children and for 4 years now i have been seriously sick.

I am presently suffering from lung cancer and i have a heart attack which has affected my speech and my body is now paralysed. the doctors say i have about few months left to live. so i am sending you this mail with the help of my private nurse,who is helping me through my illness.

what i have written is been sent to you via email by my private nurse and i have little time so i have committed it to spreading my remaining wealth towards better health care for mankind and especially abandoned children.

My contacting you is the wish of almighty allah, as i dont know you, but due to my condition and the instruction of almighty allah i have decided to contact you. in my mind almighty allah {swt} says that i must contact a total stranger to carryout this wish. this i have done and i am therfore contacting you with the hope that you will carryout my wish and the instruction of almighthy allah [swt} for the sake of humanity.

I have one boxes with a storage/delivery company, and i want you to take custody of the box, inside it is twelve million dollars and i want you to use the money to build an orphanage in your country.

you will name it after me,mohammed orphanage home. you must follow my wish for it will gladen the heart of almighty allah.if you are ready to do this for God"s sake and carryout my wish, then send me [1]your full names [2] your phone/fax number [3] and your residential address [4]company name.

Note:please reply to this mail and with the help of my private nurse i will be in contact with you,may almighty allah bless you. i await your swift reply.

Mr.Walid Mohammed


From: -

Dear friend,

This is to inform you about my success in getting the money moved
under the co-operation of a new partner from London. Presently, I'm in
saudi arabia for the purpose of investing my own share of the money.

Meanwhile I didn't forget your past efforts and attempts in assisting
me to move the fund evendo we were not successful. Now contact my
account officer in Benin-Republic on the underlisted contact

Name: Mr. Alex Ojukwu

Ask him to send you a cheque of the sum of (US$ 1,200,000.00) One
Million two hundred thousand dollars. which I kept for you as
compensation for all your past efforts and attempts to assist me in
this matter.

I appreciated your efforts at that time so much. while contacting Mr.
Alex Ojukwu,Please include and give him instructions on where to send
the money to you. I will advise you to contact him with:


Best regards,
Mr Chukwuma Ijem


Tiscali Broadband only £9.99 a month for your first 3 months!

Contact the Courier Company Immediately

From: -

Contact the Courier Company Immediately ,

Dear Friend ,

It has been long we communicate last, am so sorry for the delay, I
want to Inform you that your cheque of ($850.000.00) Which my boss
me to mail to you as soon as you requested it, is still with me.

But due to some minure issue you fails to respond at the Approprete
time, and presently the cheque is with me here in BENIN REPUBLIC.
Though i had a new contact from a friend of mine who works with one
security company here in BENIN REPUBLIC that will deliver you your
cheque at your door step with a cheeper rate, which the company said
that it will cost you the sumof $97 usd,

So you have to Contact them and register with them now.Only what you
will Contact them and send your full information such:Your
directcelphone Number,Home or Office:Address to Avoid wrong Delivery,

You should also tell the Company to give you the Information and how
you will sendthem the Delivery fee ($97 usd) Immediately you Contact
them before the cheque $850.000.00 will be delivered to your Door

Below is the Courier Company contact address:

Please do get back to me as soon as you have contacted the security
company so that i can be able to submit your cheque to them

Thank you.
Miss Agnes Cole.


Tiscali Broadband only £9.99 a month for your first 3 months!

My appreciation letter and Contact Mr Lewis More immediately

From: -

My appreciation letter and Contact Mr Lewis More immediately
Dear friend,

I am very happy to inform you about my success in getting that fund
Now, I want you to contact my secretary on the information below:

Ask him to send you the total sum of ($800,000.00) Eight Hundred
Thousand US dollars in a bank draft, which I kept for
your compensation. So conatct him immediately on his e-mail:
( ) and send him the belows information to
him deliver to your bank draft to you.

1.YOUR FULL NAMES:_________________
2.YOUR ADDRESS:____________________________
3. TELEPHONE NUMBER:___________


Barr Agnes.C.Musan


Tiscali Broadband only £9.99 a month for your first 3 months!

Dear Friend

From: meccidoo1 -

Dear Friend,
I am happy to inform you about my success in getting those funds transferred
under the co-operation of a new partner from Paraguay,
Now contact my secretary in Benin his name is Solomon Mercy( ) ask him to send you the total sum of $950.000.00
cashier cheque which I kept for your compensation for all the past efforts
and attempts to assist me in the past. I appreciate your efforts at that
time so feel free to get in touch with him and tell him where to send the
amount to you.

Please do let me know immediately you receive it. send to him your full
information where he will send it to you.



From: Dr. James Papil -

Sehr geehter

Ich bin Dr. James Papil und ich bin der Leiter des Research Department
Committee in der Standard Bank in Südafrika. Zur Zeit halte ich mich in den

Niederlanden zu einer Fortbildung auf.

Ich kontaktiere Sie bezüglich des Transfers einer sehr großen Summe Geldes
Konto eines Verstorbenen. Ich weiß, daß eine Transaktion dieser
zunächst bei jedem Besorgnis erregen wird und versichere ich Ihnen, daß
sich um
alles gekümmert wird.Aufgrund der Dringlichkeit der Angelegenheit habe ich
entschlossen, Sie zu kontaktieren.

Es geht um folgendes:
Einer meiner Kollegen ist für das Konto von Gerald Welsh zuständig, der
gemeinsam mit seiner Frau im October bei einem Flugzeugabsturz ums Leben
kam. Er
befand sich gemeinsam mit anderen Passagieren an Bord einer Egyptian
990.( ) Seit diesem
ist niemand seiner nächsten Verwandten mehr am Leben, der als sein Erbe
Ansprüche auf das Guthaben auf seinem Konto erheben könnte. Wir können
gemäß unserer Richtlinien das Geld nicht auszahlen, bevor jemand als
und Erbe auftritt und seinen Anspruch geltend macht.
Aufgrund dieser Entdeckung und der Übereinstimmung bitten meine Kollegen
ich Sie nun um Ihre Erlaubnis, Sie als nächsten Angehörigen des
anzugeben. Die gesamte Abwicklung und Dokumentation wird sorgfältig von mir

durchgeführt, damit das Guthaben von 20.5 Millionen US$ an Sie als nächsten

Angehörigen ausgezahlt werden kann.

Andernfalls wird die gesamte Summe nach fünf Jahren in das Eigentum der
übergehen und die Direktoren der Bank werden sie untereinander aufteilen.
Aufgrund dieser Tatsache habe ich mich entschlossen, mich an Sie

zu wenden, damit Sie als Erbe auftreten können und nicht alles den
zugute kommt. Da aber die Person, die im Testament als Erbin genannt wird,
ihm gemeinsam verstorben ist, haben wir vom Nachlaßverwalter den Auftrag
bekommen, ein Familienmitglied des Verstorbenen ausfindig zu machen, daß
Erbe antreten kann.

Wir bitten Sie, unseren Vorschlag anzunehmen und versichern Ihnen, daß
absolut risikofrei für Sie ablaufen wird.
Wir werden Sie mit 25% an der Transaktion beteiligen, den restlichen Betrag

werden meine Kollegen und ich für.
Falls Sie interessiert sind, schicken Sie mir bitte folgende Angaben:

1. Name/Firmen name um die erforderlichen Dokumente
2. Persönliche Telefon- und Fax-Nummern

An meine privat E-mail : mit Ihrer vertraulichen
Telefon-Nr., Fax-Nr., E-mail Anschrift, damit ich Ihnen die weiteren
Details in dieser Sache mitteilen kann. Vielen Dank im voraus.
Wir bitten sie eindringlich, die Angelegenheit vertraulich zu behandeln.
Bitte antworten Sie mir schnellstmöglich und Gott segne sie.

Mit freundlichen grussen.

Dr. James Papil