Dear Sir
On behalf of the board and management of Overseas Credit
Commission(OCC).London UK.
I Mr.Charles Gibson, the Operations Manager wishes to inform you that
your consignment/fund tagged diplomatic lugagge 122 with
Ref:No1226/X42/206 which
was deposited in our vault for safe keeping and Which bears you as the
consignee/beneficiary is due for Immediate collection.
Be informed that we have concluded all arrangments to ship and deliver
your consignment at your doorstep through diplomatic means.
To this effect therefore,to enable me commence shipment procedure
kindly furnish me with a copy of your international passport or any
other means of
identification as the true consignee and your designated address where
the package to be delivered.
As always, feel very free to contact us should you have any further
question as our customers rights are continuously protected.:+447045706465
Yours Sincerely
Charles Gibson
Foreign Operations Manager