Hello and good day,
I am Basil Massinas, citizen of United Kingdom of Britain and staff of the United Nations (UN). I know that this mail will be of great surprise to you. I got your e-mail address from my search for a partner who will work with us.
In recent times, there has been conflicts all over the world especially in the Middle East,which has been of top concern to the UN. I happen to be one of the officials assigned to Iraq. I also played a great part in seeing that Afghanistan is been rebuilt and that casualties, especially children are well taken care of. During this period, my partners and I were able to secure some amount of money amounting to Thirty Million Five Hundred Thousand
United State Dollars ($30.5M), which was moved to Europe. Moving this fund was easy because of the connections my partners had. Now that things have settled, we want to move the money out of where it is deposited in your name. However we have agreed to donate 10% to United Nations Tsunami and
Katrina relief fund through your assistance.
We are contacting you to work with us because we are civil servants and cannot do it alone. The presence and participation of a neutral person is needed to achieve this transaction hence my contacting you. Note that all the relevant documents will be in place for this transaction to be hitch free. For your participation, you will be getting 20% of the total sum.
This transaction will take not more than fourteen (14) banking/working days to be finalized from the day of commencement. Treat with top secrecy, as we will not want a blackmail or media scandal. You are the only person I contacted for this transaction and will hope to get your reply ASAP for further correspondence via my Private email (basil_massinas@freenet.de).
Yours faithfully,
Basil Massinas
NB: The information contained in this message is highly CONFIDENTIAL and is intended for the addressee only.
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