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Tuesday, December 19, 2006



Greetings to you,

I am Mrs. A. Masupha Ephraim Sole wife of Masupha Ephraim Sole, the Ex Chief Executive of the Lesotho Highland Authority, presently based in Nigeria
Following his conviction at the high court of Lesotho on charges of corrupt enrichment, he asked me to write a letter to see if I could get someone to asist me in getting out of my present condition. Due to the current predicament which my husband finds himself, which he feels was meted out to him unjustly, he has directed the entire family convert to seek a way to secure and invest the funds which he had been saving all the while he was in service.

The amount totals eight million dollars. If you are willing to help us out,Please for further information do reply me through my
Son private email box:
.Since Sole is the first Son of my Husband he will
be dealing with you in regard to this transaction.
Please Reply through his email Box so that he can
be able to furnish all the details information
in confidential.I can put you in the larger picture.

Thank you as I await your response. You could visit the following web pages ( to have an idea of how my husband was treated as a pariah while others were left off the hook.


Mrs Ephraim Masupha Sole.
(For the family