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Monday, October 08, 2007




I am Rev Father Peter Carlos of Saint Mary Parish,Sao-
paulo,Brazil..If you have received this mail I wish to let you know
that this mail has been sent to you in my bid to look for someone
who will assist me in establishing orphanages and charitable
organizations for the less priviledged and the needy.

I am the presiding priest here in the church which happens to be one of the
largest parishes in Sao-paulo.To begin with,during our last annual
harvest and fund raising programme for our orphanages, a large box
presumed containing household items and clothing was donated to our
parish by an anonymous person afterwhich we discovered contained a
large amount of money of the sum of 45.5 million united states
dollars. I was at first bewildered and after fasting and prayers
with the divine revelation of the holy spirit I was instructed to
give out this money to one who will help in using this money for
the sole purpose of carrying out the work of God. Presently this
money has been transferred to our offshore bank overeseas were it
is presently lodged.Since then I have been looking for means
necessary in disembursing this funds and once again God revealed to
me to look for one whom will be able to put this money into good
use hence my contacting you which you shall help in using this
money in establishing charitable organizations and for AIDS/HIV

You will be entitled to 10% commission of this funds and
you will use the remaining 90% to establish this charitable
organizations as I have no intentions in putting this money for
personal use which is the reason I want you to do this work for me.
If you would be willing to help my church on this project please
kindly send all correspondences through my private email addresses

as this address i am using belongs to the church so i would not
wish to use it in communicating with you for personal security
purposes. Presently I am at the convent on a special programme and
we are advised against use of cellphone in order not to disturb our
spiritual life,I want you to kindly furnish me with your
cellphone ,phone and fax numbers in which I will be able to contact
you.On receipt of your mail I wll furnish you contact details of my
attorney in London who will send to you all legal documentations
which you shall use to claim this fund.If you are indeed the one
chosen by God to do this project for me then I believe that I shall
receive a response from you as soon as you finish reading this
mail.I shall expect your response through my private email address .

Rev Father Peter Carlos