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Friday, July 27, 2007

call me as soon as you receive this mail on my direct telephone

From: james michael -

From the mail I wrote to you, you may be wondering why should such a mail come to you. I am sorry for any inconveniences this may cause you but I believe that is how it has been destined by nature that we should meet. By reading my mail, I know you will understand that I am a banker, head of operations.
Listen I would like to explain to you very confidential matter concerning the consignment I have cargo out through the diplomats without your information. Yes I am working with the bank where I have put in thirty six years of service, that means I am among those that started the bank, now thebank has started growing the new approved board of directors all turned against me to retire me just because I came from the minority in my country.
Now there is some money in my possession which is thirty Million United States Dollars ($30,000,000.00) which I packaged in a box kept in my house, yes the money belongs to the bank but I do not want to disclose this money to the bank because of what they are trying to do to me. I kept it in my house planning how to take it outside the country to start a new life with my family.
Surprisingly, the board of directors brought in an auditor without my knowledge, now they have finished with their auditing discovering that a huge sum of money was missing which part of it i this that I cargo out.
The information that reached me on Sunday by afriend of mine that works in the same bank with me, told me that the bank is trying to bring officials to my house to conduct searching immediately I carried the box to the diplomat office because I have a friend there but I did not disclose what was in the box. There the box was weighed and the weight was 220kg, was able to pay half of the charge, which is $75,000.00 that was in my possession. The cargo has left Nigeria shores to London.
Now I want you to send to me:
1. Your full name.2.Your address, and the nearest airport.3.Your mobile telephone number and fax number.

This is to enable me forward the in formations to the diplomat to deliverthe cargo to your house, then when I am through with the officials here by then you would have retrieved the cargo from the diplomats.Please I believe in you and my whole life depends on this money.
Thanks for your understanding.
Best regards,
Direct tele: 234 -806-2136084
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