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Please visit Scam Warning for information about scams and current scam emails.

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006


From: simon zola -

ABSA Bank Of South Africa
Corporate Head Office,
Braamfotien, Johannesburg,
South Africa.




I am SIMON B.ZOLA(MR), The Bank Manager of ABSA Bank, Braamfontien,
Johannesburg South Africa. I have Business Proposition for You Which I
believe, by the Special Grace of God Will Be Beneficial to You and I.

Let me assure you that this Mail is not Junk, Illusion or fraudlent. As I am
aware of similar letters or mails that are being spread around by fraud

Between June 1991 to September 1999, Mr. Paul Anderson An American Civil
Engineer With The Southern African Institute Of Steel Construction, (Saisco)
Deposited the Sum Of $39 million US dollars with our bank on an annual fixed
deposit basis. Naming his Son Mr. Greg Anderson as the Next Of Kin /
Beneficiary to the account. When the one-year expired, Mr. Paul Anderson was
nowhere to be found or heard.

His son, who is the beneficiary, was not heard from either. So the money was
rolled over. Since Then it has been rolling over. As it is my duty to
contact the beneficiary where the Accountholder cannot be reached, I Sent
Mails, to his Addresses as indicated in our files with No Response. I had no
choice than to contact (Saisco) where he is working according to our files,
but was surprised to hear that he and his son died in a car accident on the
10th of December 1999 on their way to a Resort in Durban for the weekend.
May his soul rest in Peace.

South African law states that, in a case like this, the money should be
turned to Government account, which I am not in flavor of as any person in
Government office may switch the money to his personal account and use it
for himself, which has always been the case.

My Proposal is that we collaborate and have this money invested in a
profitable business, with you having 20% share, my collegues and myself
shall have the remaining 80%.

Where you are interested and ready, kindly contact me immediately, on the
above E-mail Address and/or Tel. +27 730636200 as time is of essence.

Simon B.Zola
ABSA Bank Of South Africa
Corporate Head Office,
Braamfotien, Johannesburg,
South Africa.



I am SIMON B.ZOLA(MR), The Bank Manager of ABSA Bank, Braamfontien,
Johannesburg South Africa. I have Business Proposition for You Which I
believe, by the Special Grace of God Will Be Beneficial to You and I.

Let me assure you that this Mail is not Junk, Illusion or fraudlent. As I am
aware of similar letters or mails that are being spread around by fraud

Between June 1991 to September 1999, Mr. Paul Anderson An American Civil
Engineer With The Southern African Institute Of Steel Construction, (Saisco)
Deposited the Sum Of $39 million US dollars with our bank on an annual fixed
deposit basis. Naming his Son Mr. Greg Anderson as the Next Of Kin /
Beneficiary to the account. When the one-year expired, Mr. Paul Anderson was
nowhere to be found or heard.

His son, who is the beneficiary, was not heard from either. So the money was
rolled over. Since Then it has been rolling over. As it is my duty to
contact the beneficiary where the Accountholder cannot be reached, I Sent
Mails, to his Addresses as indicated in our files with No Response. I had no
choice than to contact (Saisco) where he is working according to our files,
but was surprised to hear that he and his son died in a car accident on the
10th of December 1999 on their way to a Resort in Durban for the weekend.
May his soul rest in Peace.

South African law states that, in a case like this, the money should be
turned to Government account, which I am not in flavor of as any person in
Government office may switch the money to his personal account and use it
for himself, which has always been the case.

My Proposal is that we collaborate and have this money invested in a
profitable business, with you having 20% share, my collegues and myself
shall have the remaining 80%.

Where you are interested and ready, kindly contact me immediately, on the
above E-mail Address and/or Tel. +27 730636200 as time is of essence.

Simon B.Zola